In the next couple posts I would like to show how a good understanding of eschatology plays a part in our sanctification. I would like to answer the question, "why should someone put time into the study of eschatology." To begin, for those who have little idea of the meaning of eschatology, I will define the term. Eschatology is the study of last things. What things? Things like the resurrection of the dead, the return of Jesus Christ, the Antichrist, the events surrounding the end of this world, the judgement to come, hell and the new heavens and the new earth. These are some of what are the last things. God has revealed to us in the Bible the events that will come at the end of the this world. There is so much written in the Bible concerning the end times. In almost every book of the Bible there is something revealed to us concerning what will happen in the end. It is clear that God considers this to be important of us. 2 Tim 3:16 and 17 says, "All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work." This includes the scriptures that deal with future events. These are useful for our growth in Christ-likeness. In fact, the book of Revelation, which is primarily about the end times, is the only book that has a blessing attached to the reading, hearing and obeying of it. Rev 1:3. To not study eschatology is to say that what God says about the end times doesn't matter; that it is not worth even looking at it. Some may object to this study and say it is too hard. This is to put the blame on God. Yes, eschatology is difficult. Yes, there are many different view points. But it is worth the hard work. God will bless us when we carefully study future prophecy with a honest heart that desires to know the truth. Not everything may became clear, but what God does reveal to us will benefit our souls much. What God reveals to us in His word, must be seen with the eyes of faith to have any benefit. The greater our faith, the clearer views we will have of the glorious future that God has ordained. We must cry for faith, for all study is in vain with out faith to hold fast to the truth.
So I encourage you to not skip over the hard prophetic passages. Study carefully to see what God will do in the future. Study to see the glory of Jesus Christ and of our eternal home. Over the next couple posts I will try to show how eschatology will be used to sanctify us.
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